+44 1993 886682


Railway Asset Scanning Car Pod - RASC® Pod


The RASC® Pod is an integrated trackbed and asset mapping survey platform which can be operated autonomously and is low fuss to mobilise and deploy. We think of it as an inspection train in a box. The RASC Pod can be fitted to many types of rail wagons and road-rail vehicles and offers exceptional flexibility with a variety of above- and below-ground measurement systems.

The ease of deployment of the RASC® Pod provides for increased productivity. Traditional approaches require some days installing equipment onto a vehicle for one-off surveys.  The RASC® Pod is ready to go in minutes and can facilitate gaining valuable survey time and reduce survey costs. This is especially the case where a hy-rail inspection platform is required to move on/off-track each survey day.

Multiple autonomous RASC Pods can be deployed for the cost of a single inspection train. This improved return on investment results in better coverage, less impact on revenue-earning traffic and less manpower requirements.



The RASC® Pod MKII combines innovation and technology adoption. The adoption of technology relates to some of the sensor solutions that are familiar to clients (and so readily acceptable), alongside common engineering (such as the ISO shipping container structure) which also makes engineering acceptance easier.

The innovation is the combination of the range of sensors and the ability to operate on a wide range of railway gauges anywhere in the world without any reengineering. ‘Turn-up and go…’ is its USP.

The RASC® Pod MKII sensor suite comprises of those on the RASC® Pod MKI, with the addition of rail profiling, 3D laser and a larger suite of track geometry measurements.

The RASC® Pod MKII would be installed on a client provided platform such as a hy-rail truck or rail wagon.  The RASC® Pod MKII’s international standard of ‘ISO’ container-style design, means that it is easy to install on any vehicle or wagon capable of carrying a standard shipping container.